LT4335 miscellaneous instructions.
Version of 3 July 2011.

The next instruction delivers a unique integer at every invocation; importantly, different processes running on the same machine will get different results. At a minimum, numbers cannot be repeated until after a cold boot. Some implementations could go further and feature a CPU with persistent memory that never repeats a number throughout its entire life. Beyond that, a multi-CPU implementation might ensure that no two processors within the collection ever give the same number.

IGUSinteger get, unique, synchronized?_1011
Pulled: none

• #0 signed integer: unique, untrimmed

The next instructions furnish information about the CPU, with the same results every time.

SGMstring get, model?_1101
Pulled: none

• #0 string: a string denoting this model of the CPU, in a manufacturer-dependent format. It might contain the manufacturer's name and the model number, and a version number. Hundreds or thousands of pieces can have the same value for SGM.

SGSstring get, serial?_1101
Pulled: none

• #0 string: a string representing the serial number of this computer, in a manufacturer-dependent format. It might also contain the date of manufacture and other particulars. No two pieces of hardware should furnish the same value on an SGS call.