
More can be said about the quadruples, diamond or otherwise. Let these be twelve arbitrary complex numbers:

apaq aras
bpbq brbs
cpcq crcs

Then let dp, dq, dr and ds be whatever values satisfy the following eight-dimensional vector equation using the baseline cross product:

[ dp, dq, dr, ds, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] = [ ap, aq, ar, as, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
  × [ bp, bq, br, bs, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
  × [ cp, cq, cr, cs, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]

With those numbers, examples of closure and anti-closure can be given. The blue table below shows what closure looks like with the 14 diamond quadruples, and it corresponds fully to what was discussed on the home page. After that, the red table reveals the anti-closure (the meaning will become clear) obtained with the 56 non-diamond quadruples. Note that ±dp, ±dq, ±dr and ±ds are sufficient for all products.

 diamond quadruples
 in full 
♦0123if A = [ap,aq,ar,as,0,0,0,0]
if B = [bp,bq,br,bs,0,0,0,0]
if C = [cp,cq,cr,cs,0,0,0,0]
then A × B × C = [+dp,+dq,+dr,+ds,0,0,0,0]
♦4567if A = [0,0,0,0,ap,aq,ar,as]
if B = [0,0,0,0,bp,bq,br,bs]
if C = [0,0,0,0,cp,cq,cr,cs]
then A × B × C = [0,0,0,0,dp,dq,dr,ds]
♦0145if A = [ap,aq,0,0,ar,as,0,0]
if B = [bp,bq,0,0,br,bs,0,0]
if C = [cp,cq,0,0,cr,cs,0,0]
then A × B × C = [+dp,+dq,0,0,+dr,+ds,0,0]
♦2367if A = [0,0,ap,aq,0,0,ar,as]
if B = [0,0,bp,bq,0,0,br,bs]
if C = [0,0,cp,cq,0,0,cr,cs]
then A × B × C = [0,0,dp,dq,0,0,dr,ds]
♦0167if A = [ap,aq,0,0,0,0,ar,as]
if B = [bp,bq,0,0,0,0,br,bs]
if C = [cp,cq,0,0,0,0,cr,cs]
then A × B × C = [+dp,+dq,0,0,0,0,+dr,+ds]
♦2345if A = [0,0,ap,aq,ar,as,0,0]
if B = [0,0,bp,bq,br,bs,0,0]
if C = [0,0,cp,cq,cr,cs,0,0]
then A × B × C = [0,0,dp,dq,dr,ds,0,0]
 in brief  ♦0246 ABC = [ +dp, 0, +dq, 0, +dr, 0, +ds, 0 ] ♦1357 ABC = [ 0, −dp, 0, −dq, 0, −dr, 0, −ds ]
♦0257 ABC = [ −dp, 0, −dq, 0, 0, −dr, 0, −ds ] ♦1346 ABC = [ 0, +dp, 0, +dq, +dr, 0, +ds, 0 ]
♦0347 ABC = [ −dp, 0, 0, −dq, −dr, 0, 0, −ds ] ♦1256 ABC = [ 0, +dp, +dq, 0, 0, +dr, +ds, 0 ]
♦0356 ABC = [ −dp, 0, 0, −dq, 0, −dr, −ds, 0 ] ♦1247 ABC = [ 0, +dp, +dq, 0, +dr, 0, 0, +ds ]

 non-diamond quadruples
 in full 
0124if A = [ap,aq,ar,0,as,0,0,0]
if B = [bp,bq,br,0,bs,0,0,0]
if C = [cp,cq,cr,0,cs,0,0,0]
then A × B × C = [0,0,0,+ds,0,dr,+dq,dp]
3567if A = [0,0,0,ap,0,aq,ar,as]
if B = [0,0,0,bp,0,bq,br,bs]
if C = [0,0,0,cp,0,cq,cr,cs]
then A × B × C = [+ds,dr,+dq,0,dp,0,0,0]
0125if A = [ap,aq,ar,0,0,as,0,0]
if B = [bp,bq,br,0,0,bs,0,0]
if C = [cp,cq,cr,0,0,cs,0,0]
then A × B × C = [0,0,0,+ds,+dr,0,dp,dq]
3467if A = [0,0,0,ap,aq,0,ar,as]
if B = [0,0,0,bp,bq,0,br,bs]
if C = [0,0,0,cp,cq,0,cr,cs]
then A × B × C = [dr,ds,+dq,0,0,+dp,0,0]
0126if A = [ap,aq,ar,0,0,0,as,0]
if B = [bp,bq,br,0,0,0,bs,0]
if C = [cp,cq,cr,0,0,0,cs,0]
then A × B × C = [0,0,0,+ds,dq,+dp,0,dr]
3457if A = [0,0,0,ap,aq,ar,0,as]
if B = [0,0,0,bp,bq,br,0,bs]
if C = [0,0,0,cp,cq,cr,0,cs]
then A × B × C = [dr,+dq,+ds,0,0,0,dp,0]
 in brief  0127 ABC = [ 0, 0, 0, +ds, +dp, +dq, +dr, 0 ] 3456 ABC = [ +dq, +dr, +ds, 0, 0, 0, 0, +dp ]
0134 ABC = [ 0, 0, −ds, 0, 0, −dr, −dp, −dq ] 2567 ABC = [ −dr, −ds, 0, −dq, −dp, 0, 0, 0 ]
0135 ABC = [ 0, 0, −ds, 0, +dr, 0, −dq, +dp ] 2467 ABC = [ −ds, +dr, 0, −dq, 0, +dp, 0, 0 ]
0136 ABC = [ 0, 0, −ds, 0, +dp, +dq, 0, −dr ] 2457 ABC = [ +dq, +dr, 0, −ds, 0, 0, −dp, 0 ]
0137 ABC = [ 0, 0, −ds, 0, +dq, −dp, +dr, 0 ] 2456 ABC = [ +dr, −dq, 0, −ds, 0, 0, 0, +dp ]
and 40 others

Two diamond quadruples are complementary if they have no number in common, as ♦0257 and ♦1346.

Let DQ1 and DQ2 be two complementary diamond quadruples. If two factors of a baseline cross product conform to DQ1, and the other factor conforms to DQ2, then the product itself will also conform to DQ2. However, it is difficult to predict exactly what numbers will appear as components of the product.

Examples of the resulting patterns are given in the green table below. Two symbols are used: Z for zero, and N for a number that is not necessarily zero.

complementary diamond quadruples
if A = [N, N, N, N, Z, Z, Z, Z]♦0123
if B = [N, N, N, N, Z, Z, Z, Z]
if C = [Z, Z, Z, Z, N, N, N, N]♦4567
then A × B × C = [Z, Z, Z, Z, N, N, N, N]
if A = [Z, Z, Z, Z, N, N, N, N]♦4567
if B = [Z, Z, Z, Z, N, N, N, N]
if C = [N, N, N, N, Z, Z, Z, Z]♦0123
then A × B × C = [N, N, N, N, Z, Z, Z, Z]
if A = [N, N, Z, Z, N, N, Z, Z]♦0145
if B = [N, N, Z, Z, N, N, Z, Z]
if C = [Z, Z, N, N, Z, Z, N, N]♦2367
then A × B × C = [Z, Z, N, N, Z, Z, N, N]
if A = [Z, Z, N, N, Z, Z, N, N]♦2367
if B = [Z, Z, N, N, Z, Z, N, N]
if C = [N, N, Z, Z, N, N, Z, Z]♦0145
then A × B × C = [N, N, Z, Z, N, N, Z, Z]
if A = [N, N, Z, Z, Z, Z, N, N]♦0167
if B = [N, N, Z, Z, Z, Z, N, N]
if C = [Z, Z, N, N, N, N, Z, Z]♦2345
then A × B × C = [Z, Z, N, N, N, N, Z, Z]
if A = [Z, Z, N, N, N, N, Z, Z]♦2345
if B = [Z, Z, N, N, N, N, Z, Z]
if C = [N, N, Z, Z, Z, Z, N, N]♦0167
then A × B × C = [N, N, Z, Z, Z, Z, N, N]
if A = [N, Z, N, Z, N, Z, N, Z]♦0246
if B = [N, Z, N, Z, N, Z, N, Z]
if C = [Z, N, Z, N, Z, N, Z, N]♦1357
then A × B × C = [Z, N, Z, N, Z, N, Z, N]
if A = [Z, N, Z, N, Z, N, Z, N]♦1357
if B = [Z, N, Z, N, Z, N, Z, N]
if C = [N, Z, N, Z, N, Z, N, Z]♦0246
then A × B × C = [N, Z, N, Z, N, Z, N, Z]
if A = [N, Z, N, Z, Z, N, Z, N]♦0257
if B = [N, Z, N, Z, Z, N, Z, N]
if C = [Z, N, Z, N, N, Z, N, Z]♦1346
then A × B × C = [Z, N, Z, N, N, Z, N, Z]
if A = [Z, N, Z, N, N, Z, N, Z]♦1346
if B = [Z, N, Z, N, N, Z, N, Z]
if C = [N, Z, N, Z, Z, N, Z, N]♦0257
then A × B × C = [N, Z, N, Z, Z, N, Z, N]
if A = [N, Z, Z, N, N, Z, Z, N]♦0347
if B = [N, Z, Z, N, N, Z, Z, N]
if C = [Z, N, N, Z, Z, N, N, Z]♦1256
then A × B × C = [Z, N, N, Z, Z, N, N, Z]
if A = [Z, N, N, Z, Z, N, N, Z]♦1256
if B = [Z, N, N, Z, Z, N, N, Z]
if C = [N, Z, Z, N, N, Z, Z, N]♦0347
then A × B × C = [N, Z, Z, N, N, Z, Z, N]
if A = [N, Z, Z, N, Z, N, N, Z]♦0356
if B = [N, Z, Z, N, Z, N, N, Z]
if C = [Z, N, N, Z, N, Z, Z, N]♦1247
then A × B × C = [Z, N, N, Z, N, Z, Z, N]
if A = [Z, N, N, Z, N, Z, Z, N]♦1247
if B = [Z, N, N, Z, N, Z, Z, N]
if C = [N, Z, Z, N, Z, N, N, Z]♦0356
then A × B × C = [N, Z, Z, N, Z, N, N, Z]